HOT Justice - шаблон joomla Книги
Apr '23

Driving is probably the riskiest activity that every Emergency Driver undertakes as part of their duty. Most people have learnt how to drive and passed their test many years ago, but like any learnt behaviours there is always room for improvement.

Oct '15

For close to 40 years, Cell Lines has been using the manual German burn-off puller equipment until recently when the team decided to challenge itself as part of the Plant's innovation drive. The Department came up with the idea of motorized puller in order to be efficient and safe in its operation.

Oct '15

Currently, twenty-nine (29) ideas have been generated in the Finance Department under the SII programme. Nine (9) ideas have been considered for implementation and the remainder are under review. So far, two (2) ideas; Automation of Expense Advance Request/ Expense Accounting, Payment of monthly Vodafone bills and Vendor Payment Processing have been implemented to improve efficiency and save cost of paper work.

Oct '15

Used packaging wooden materials are normally discarded and treated as waste and sold out to scrap dealers; sometimes these are even sent directly to the dump site into the waiting hands of scavengers and squatters.

Oct '15

The Logistics Department continues to strive for improvements in its area of jurisdiction and has since the inception of SII logged fiftyseven (57) ideas. Thirty-four (34) ideas year-to-date. A total of eight ideas have been implemented since the birth of this program. One of the key projects it has implemented is printing of the general purchase order terms and conditions on the back page of every order.

Oct '15

Since the resumption of plant operations in 2010, the repair works on cylinders have been a challenge due mainly to the shortage of skilled labour and the work load at the Mechanical Shop. To cope with this situation, the DEM department outsourced the repair of the cylinders for the crust breakers and the ECL cranes.

Oct '15

The HR Department has made a savings of about $45,000 by refurbishing and repainting defaced Fire Extinguishers and their Decals. In all, 75 each portable fire extinguishers have been refurbished to date and put back in use. Previously, faded and defaced portable fire extinguishers were scrapped and sold to scrap dealers.

Oct '15

The implementation of 18 out of the 23 ideas generated by the Carbon Operations Department have realized a total direct cost of $21,291 per month

Oct '15

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department has been very active in ensuring the success of the SII initiative and driving a culture of continuous improvement in the various departments. Since the inception of the programme 17 ideas have been recorded. Out of this number, 5 have been implemented.

Oct '15

Cast House department after launching her system improvement and innovation activities has received a total of 69 ideas from its employees. Twenty-six (26) out of 40 ideas considered are being implemented with the remaining 14 at various review and evaluating stages.

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Volta Aluminium Company Limited (VALCO)
Heavy Industrial Area,Tema, Ghana
Phone: +233-302208787